Manageable vs. OMG

Because of a reaction to one of the drugs in my first course of chemo, this time around it’s necessary for me to spend the first night of each round in the hospital to do a desensitization slow drip of carboplatin.  I’ve completed 2 rounds so far.  After the first round we received the insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and the amount we were responsible for was pricey but manageable.

The EOB for Round 2 indicates that we will be ‘responsible’ for more than 35 times the first amount–definitely NOT manageable in any way, shape or form.  What to do?  Definitely talk to my doctor and to the insurance company, but now I’m afraid that if I do, they will say–“Oh, we made a mistake and you owe us the OMG amount for Round 1 as well.” What price do you put on saving a life?

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